
陳 淑惠
職稱 教授
姓名 陳 淑惠
電子郵件 shuchen@ms7.hinet.net
職稱 教授
研究專長 語言習得、語用學、心理語言學、英語教學
授課領域 語用學概論、語用學與英語教學、英語語音學理論與實踐(碩)、英語語言學概論(碩)、 第二語言習得(碩) 心理語言學(碩)
最高學歷 美國夏威夷大學語言學系 博士
Li, Yi-syuan, & Chen, Shu-hui*. (2016). Relative Effectiveness of Phonological and Morphological Awareness Training on L2 Word Reading in EFL Children. System, 60, 93-104. (SSCI)  (Based on the corresponding author's research project NSC 101-2410-H-152-017)

Huang, Tzu-ying, Chen, Shu-chu*, Shu-hui Eileen Chen, & Wey, Shyh-Chyi (2015). The background and proficiency in vocational EFL learners’ listening comprehension. International Journal of Education and Research3(9), 115-126.

Chen, Shu-hui* (2014). Book review of “Chinese Language Narration: Culture, cognition, and emotion” by Allyssa McCabe and Chien-ju Chang (ed.). Concentric40(2), 95-105. (TSSCI) (double-blind referred)

Chu, Min-chin, & Chen, Shu-hui* (2014). Comparison of the effects of two phonics training programs on L2 word reading.Psychological Reports, 114(1), 272-291. (SSCI)

Chen, Shu-hui*, Tseng, Shu-huang, Chen, Shu-chu (2012). The development of L2 given/new interpretation by L2 learners of     Chinese: Based on the Competition Model. 華語文教學研究 (Journal of Chinese Language Teaching), 9(2), 1-31.(Based on the first author's research project NSC 98-2410-H-152-015) (TSSCI )

Chen, Shu-hui*, Chen, Shu-chu, & He, Tung-hsien (2012). Surface cues and pragmatic interpretation of given/new in Mandarin Chinese and English: A comparative study. Journal of Pragmatics, 44(4), 490-507.doi: 10.1016/j.pragma.2011.12.006 (Based on the first author’s research project NSC 97-2410-H-152-008) (SSCI)

Chu, Min-chin, & Chen, Shu-hui* (2014). Comparison of the effects of two phonics training programs on L2 word reading. Psychological Reports, 114(
1), 272-291. (SSCI)

He, T. H.*, Chang, S. M., Chen, S. H., & Guo, W. (2012). Trichotomous Goals of Elementary School Students Learning English as a Foreign Language: A Structural Equation Model. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 114(1), 157-173.  (SSCI)

Hong, Su-chin & Chen, Shu-hui (2011). Roles of position, stress and proficiency in L2 children’s spelling: A developmental perspective. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 24(3), 355-385. (SSCI)

Kuo, Wen-Lung, Chen, Shu-Hui Eileen, Wey, Shyh-Chyi, Chen, Shu-chu, & Lee, Shu-Jung (2011). A Study of Junior College Students’Personality, Motivation and Their Academic Achievement, 5, 89-102.

He, T. H., Chang, S. M., & Chen, S. H. E. (2011). Multiple Goals, writing strategies, and written outcomes for college students learning English as a second language. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 112(2), 410-416. (SSCI)

鄭如君、陳淑惠 (2011) 。小組分享閱讀《伊索寓言》對國一學生英語字彙學習影響。國民教育,52(2).



Chen, Shu-chu, & Chen, Shu-hui Eileen (2008). Cross-cultural study with refusal speech acts between American English and Taiwanese Mandarin. NPUST Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 2(2), 48-65.


Chen, Shu-chu, & Chen, Shu-hui Eileen. (2007). Interlanguage request: A cross-cultural study of Chinese and English. The Linguistics Journal, 2(2), 33-52.

Chen, Shu-hui Eileen, & Chen, Shu-chu (2007). English proficiency and topic effect in compliment response strategies by Chinese EFL learners: Transfer effect revisited. Samara AltLinguo, # 1 (Based on part of NSC project NSC 94-2411-H-152-003).

Chen, Shu-chu, & Chen, Shu-hui Eileen (2007). Effect of social status on American and Taiwanese EFL learners’ production of English refusals. Samara AltLinguo, # 1, 7-34.

Wu, Mei-chi, & Chen, Shu-hui Eileen. (2006). The effects of two early reading training programs on word recognition in Taiwanese EFL young poor readers. English Teaching and Learning (英語教學), Special Issue, 61-80.(師大期刊)

陳淑惠(民93年)。語言文化與國小英語溝通教學—從語言行為談起。國民教育, 44(5), 2-9。

Chen, Shu-hui Eileen. (2003). Compliment response strategies in Mandarin Chinese: Politeness phenomenon revisited. Concentric, 29(2), 157-184. (師大期刊)

Chien, Li-chen, & Chen, Shu-hui. (2002). A developmental study on phonological awareness and spelling in Taiwanese EFL children. English Teaching & Learning (英語教學), 27(1), 41-66. (師大期刊)

陳淑惠 (民89)。雙語學童第二語言內化歷程從心理語言層面談起。國民教育, 40(3), 229-36.

陳淑惠 (民87)。從語言層面談本土化與國際化問題。國民教育, 38(5), 23-31.

陳淑惠、曹素香 (民87)。國小英語教室用語.師生互動策略與溝通情境的建構。國民教育, 39(1), 22-29.

陳淑惠 (民87)。應用語言學在兒童英語教學的應用。北師語文教育通訊, 60-68.

Chen, Shu-hui Eileen. (1998). Surface cues and the development of Given/New interpretation. Applied Psycholinguistics, 19(4), 553-58.(SSCI)

Chen, Shu-hui Eileen. (1988). Functional Theoretical Perspectives on the “Modernization” of the Chinese Language. Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 16(1), 126-149.(加州柏克萊大學期刊)

Chen, Shu-hui Eileen. (1988). Teaching Research paper writing in EST: Content,Language, and Communication. English Teaching Forum, October issue, 19-
Chen, Shu-hui* (2013). Spelling of final consonant cluster in Taiwanese EFL children. Paper presented in 2013 Teacher Workshop on Linguistics and the 7th LST Annual Meeting (2013台灣語言學會語言學門教師成果發表) (Based on part of the authors research project NSC 99-2410-H-152-016).

Kuo, Wen-Lung, Chen, Shu-Hui Eileen, Wey, Shyh-Chyi, Chen, Shu-chu, & Lee, Shu-Jung (2011). A Study of Junior College Students’Personality, Motivation and Their Academic Achievement. Poster presented at the 50th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association (台灣心理學會第50屆年會), Asia University, October 14-16, Wufeng, Taichung, Taiwan.

Fang, Shu-feng & Chen, Shu-hui Eileen. (2006). The Effect of Teaching K. K. Phonetic Symbols through Storytelling and Picture Cards. Presented in the 15th International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching. (第十五屆中華民國英語文教學國際研討會)

Shih, Hsin-chun Catherine, & and Chen, Shu-hui Eileen. (2006). The apology strategies use by Taiwanese junior high school students.  Presented in the 15th International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching. (第十五屆中華民國英語文教學國際研討會)

Liu, Shi-han Sophie, & Chen, Shu-hui Eileen. (2006). A study on request perception strategies by Taiwanese EFL junior high-school students. Presented in the 15th Inter national Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching. (第十五屆中華民國英語文教學國際研討會)

Liang, Shu-min Evelyn, & Chen, Shu-hui Eileen. (2006). The effect of small-group shard reading on English Reading Comprehension and English Learning Interests in Elementary-school students. Presented in the 15th International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching. (第十五屆中華民國英語文教學國際研討會)

Chen, Shu-chu, & Chen, Shu-hui (2006 accepted for presentation). Refusal strategies in Mandarin Chinese and its implications in EFL teaching. The 14th    Annual UTASCILT Conference on Linguistics and TESOL, Texas, U.S.A.

秦翠紅、陳淑惠 (民92)。合作學習与英語教學。第20屆中華民國國際英語教學研討會。

Chen, Shu-hui Eileen. (2002). Compliment response strategies in Mandarin Chinese: Politeness phenomenon revisited. Paper presented at IACL-11, Aichi Prefectural University, August 20-22, Nagoya, Japan. (教育部補助)

Chen, Shu-hui Eileen, & Cheng, Yu-ling. (2001). 從語用學談國小英語教學問題. Paper presented in the Tenth Intentional Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching.  November 16-18, Chien-tan: Oversea Youth Activity Center, Taipei, Taiwan. (第十屆中華民國英語文教學國際研討會)

Chen, Shu-hui Eileen. (1999). English education in primary schools in Taiwan: Problems, analysis and possible solution. Paper presented at the first Anglo-Taiwan Symposium on Teacher Education, January 25-27. London, England. (教育部補助)

Chen, Shu-hui Eileen. (1998). The development of referential strategies in the English narratives by Chinese children. Paper presented at the International Conference on Trends in Second Language Teaching and Learning, May 20-23. Ottawa, Canada. (教育部補助)
Chen, Shu-hui Eileen, Tseng, Shu-huang, & Tsao, Yin-ling (2011). The development of Given/New interpretation by Taiwanese EFL university students and its pedagogical implications. In the Proceedings of 2011 English Teaching Conference, National Pingtong University of Education.

Zhong, hsiang-ting, & Chen, Shu-hui Eilee (2010). A study on compliment response strategies by Taiwanese EFL young learners and its pedagogical implications. In the Proceedings of 2010 English Teaching Conference,National Pingtong University of Education.

Hsieh,pei-yun, Chen, Shu-hui, & Chang, Chien-ju (2010). The Effect of Nursery Rhymes Teaching on Onset and Rhyme Awareness: A Case Study on Two First-graders. In the Proceedings of 2010 Conference on Theory, Research, and Teaching in Applied Foreign Languages, Jinwun University of Science and Technology.

Jhang, Li-ying, & Chen, Shu-hui Eileen. (2008). A developmental study on Given and New interpretation by Taiwanese EFL Junior High School students. In the Proceedings of 2008 English Teaching Conference, National Pingtong University of Education.

Su, Hsiao-ting Jannis, & Chen, Shu-hui Eileen. (2007). A pilot study on invented spelling in Taiwanese EFL children. In the Proceedings of 2007 English Teaching Conference, National Pingtong University of Education, May 25.

Chen, Shu-hui Eileen, & Chen, Shu-chu. (2006). The development of Given/New interpretation by Taiwanese EFL children: The emergence of L2 pragmatic comprehension. In the proceedings of 2006 International Conference and Workshop on TEFL and Applied Linguistics. Ming-chuan University. (2006國際應用英語教學研討會暨工作坊) (Based on part of NSC93-2411-H-152-013)

Chang, Wan-yi, & Chen, Shu-hui Eileen. (2006). The selection of communication strategies by Taiwanese EFL elementary school students: Dyad talks in information gap activities. In the proceedings of 2006 International Conference and Workshop on TEFL and Applied Linguistics.Ming-chuan University. (2006國際應用英語教學研討會暨工作坊)

Shu-min Evelyn, Liang, & Chen, Shu-hui Eileen. (2006) The small-group shared reading on English reading comprehension in elementary-school EFL students and its implications for children EFL classroom. To appear in the Proceedings on 2006 Second Conference on Language Teaching, Literature, Linguistics, Translation, and Interpretation, National Changhua University of Education.

Kung, Wei-chun, & Chen, Shu-hui. (2005). An exploratory study on vocabulary learning strategies by Taiwanese EFL elementary school students. In the proceedings of the 5th Wenshan International Conference.National Chengchi University, March 19, Taipei.(政大:第五屆文山國際研討會論文集)

Huang, Meng-huei, & Chen, Shu-hui. (2005). The role of phrase structure in sentence processing and reading comprehension in Taiwanese EFL junior-high-school students. In the proceedings of the 5th Wenshan International Conference. National Chengchi University, March 19, Taipei. (政大:第五屆文山國際研討會論文集)

Chen, Shu-chu & Chen, Shu-hui. (2005). A pilot study on the effect of explicit instruction on Chinese EFL learners’ grammaticality judgment for English datives. In the proceedings of 2005 International Conference and Workshop on TEFL and Applied Linguistic, Ming-chuan University. (2006國際應用英語教學研討會暨工作坊)

Chen, Shu-chu & Chen, Shu-hui Eileen (2005). The effect of questionnaire type in eliciting speech act data and its implications in EFL teaching and testing. In the Proceedings of 2005 Taiwan TESOL Conference. (2005 台灣英語教學研討會)

Chen, Shu-hui Eileen. (2004). Speaking, vocabulary learning, and teaching strategies. 收錄於國立台灣大學通識教育的理念與現況:共同教育之發展研討會語言學習與大學英語教育篇, 625-635, 國立台灣大學。

Chen, Shu-hui Eileen. (2003). Teaching and learning strategies for speaking.In the Proceedings of the Conference on University Education and Language Learning Strategy. Taipei: National Taiwan University.

陳淑惠、梁雅美 (民92)。多媒體与學童口語發展. 第20屆中華民國國際英語教學研討會論文集。

Chen, Shu-chu, & Chen, Shu-hui Eileen. (2003). A pilot study on Chinese EFL learners’ perception on English request strategies, pp. 89-102. In the Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on English Teaching and Learning in the R.O.C. (第20屆中華民國國際英語教學研討會論文集)

Chen, Shu-hui Eileen. (2002). The development of discourse cohesion in young children’s L2 narratives. In the Proceedings of the First Cognitive Linguistics Conference, National Cheng-Chi University, January 12-13. (政大:第一屆認知語言學國際研討會)

Lo, Chun-tien Norie, & Chen, Shu-hui Eileen. (2002). Selections of communication strategies in young EFL learners’ speech production. In the Proceedings of 2002 Symposium on Educational studies. National Taipei Teachers College, November 16.(2002國立台北師範學院教育學術論文發表會)

Kung, Wei-chun Judy, & Chen, Shu-hui Eileen. (2002). A pilot study on Taiwanese EFL elementary school students’ vocabulary learning strategies.In the Proceedings of 2002 Symposium on Educational studies. National Taipei Teachers College, November 16. (2002國立台北師範學院教育學術論文發表會)

Chen, Shu-hui Eileen. (2001). Cohesion in children’s L2 narratives and teaching of discourse skills. In the Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on English Teaching. Taipei: Crane Publishers.(第十屆中華民國英語文教學國際研討會)

Hsu, Ya-chuang Grace, & Chen, Shu-hui Eileen. (2001). A pilot study on young Chinese EFL learners' request strategies. In the Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on English Teaching. Taipei: Crane Publishers. (第十屆中華民國英語文教學國際研討會)

Chang, Yu-ying Chris, & Chen, Shu-hui Eileen. (2001). Responding to indirect speech act of request: A case study of vocational high school students.  In the Proceedings of 2001 Symposium on Educational studies.National Taipei Teachers College. (2001國立台北師範學院教育學術論文發表會)

Chen, Shu-hui Eileen. (2000). Children’s L2 referential skills and its implication for the EFL classroom. 88學年度師範學院教育學術論文發表會論文集。臺北:教育部 臺北師範學院。

陳淑惠 (民88年)。國小英語教學方法與問題探討。跨世紀國小英語教學研討會論文集, 35-52. 屏東: 國立屏東師範學院。

Chen, Shu-hui Eileen. (1997). Pragmatic comprehension: Development of Mandarin-speaking children’s strategies for interpretation of Given and New. In Eve V. Clark (Ed.) In the Proceedings of the 28th annual Child Language Reaserch Forum, Standard Linguistics Association, pp. 63-72. Stanford, California: The Center for the Study of Language and Information (史丹福大學)

陳淑惠 (103。正字法知識相對於音韻知識對台灣學童英文讀字和拼字影響研究。MOST 103-2410-H-152 -024

陳淑惠 (民101年) 。音韻及構詞覺知介入教學對台灣學童英語讀字及拼字相對成效研究。行政院國科會專題研究計畫 NSC 101-2410-H-152-017。 

陳淑惠 (民100年) 。中英文構詞覺知與台灣國小學生英語拼字及讀字的相關探討: 發展性研究。行政院國科會專題研究計畫NSC 100-2410-H-152-017。

陳淑惠 (民99年) 。從雙軌模式探討臺灣學童英文拼字發展: 語音及構詞相關策略再探究。行政院國科會專題研究計畫NSC 99-2410-H-152-016 。

陳淑惠 (民98年) 。從競爭理論模式探討以英語為外語學習者及以華語為外語學習者已知/未知訊息語用詮釋之比較研究(II)。行政院國科會專題研究計畫 NSC98-2410-H-152-015。

陳淑惠 (民97年) 。從競爭理論模式探討以英語為外語學習者及以華語為外語學習者已知/未知訊息語用詮釋之比較研究(I)。行政院國科會專題研究計畫 NSC97-2410-H-152-008。

陳淑惠 (民96年) 。從競爭理論模式探討以英語為第二語言臺灣學生已知/未知訊息詮釋策略之發展。行政院國科會補助科學與技術人員國外短期研究半年。

陳淑惠 (民95年)。台灣大學生英語已知/未知訊息詮釋策略發展之研究:外語語用理解再探究。行政院國科會專題研究計畫NSC95-2411-H-152-004。

陳淑惠 (民95年)。台灣學生英語學習成就資料庫建置—2006年台灣學生英語學習成就之趨勢調查研究。教育部委託計畫主持人。

陳淑惠 (民94年)。社會變項與英語能力對台灣大學生英語讚美回應策略影響之研究:轉移行為再探究。行政院國科會專題研究計畫NSC94-2411-H-152-003。

陳淑惠 (民94年)。台灣學生英語學習成就資料庫建置—2005年台灣學生英語學習成就之趨勢調查研究。教育部委託計畫主持人。

陳淑惠 (民93年)。外語語用理解:台灣學童已知/未知訊息詮釋策略發展之研究。行政院國科會專題研究計畫NSC93-2411-H-152-013。

陳淑惠 (民93年)。台灣學生英語學習成就資料庫建置。教育部委託計畫主持人。
國家 學校名稱 學位
美國 夏威夷大學 語言學博士