

黃 淑鴻
職稱 副教授
姓名 黃 淑鴻
電子郵件 alexshh.ntue@gmail.com
職稱 副教授
研究專長 章句分析, 社會語言學, 對比分析, 語音學, 語言與文化
授課領域 章句分析,社會語言學, 對比分析, 英語語音學, 語言與文化,語言學理論與實踐(碩), 語音學理論與實踐(碩), 發音教學.

黃淑鴻、吳敏華 (2015)。國語音韻覺識技巧融入國小英語字母拼讀法教學。國民教育,55(2),pp.82-96。


2001 "Teaching Writing Research Papers". October 2001. Forum.  National Taipei Teachers College.  pp. 415-433.

2000 "Coding and Encoding reference with NPs and Pronouns in Different Genres" Hwa Kang Journal of English Language and Literature. May 2000.

1998 "Covert Correction and Avoiding of Pronouns" The Proceedings of the 

Seventh International Symposium on English Teaching. pp. 509-518.

1997 "Pronominal Errors in Written Discourse: Topical Antecedents" The Proceeding of the Sixth International Symposium on English Teaching pp. 296-305.

1995 "The Use of Computers in Writing and Instruction: A Literature Review." Newsletter for Teaching the Humanities and Social Sciences. pp. 63-80.

1995 "We Say 'Hi.' What do you say?" Hwa Kang Journal of English Language and Literature. May 1995. pp. 21-30.

1994 "Pronominal Errors in Written Discourse" The Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on English Teaching. pp. 175-183.

1994 "Understanding Zero Pronouns" Hwa Kang Journal of Foreign language and Literature. May 1994. pp. 209-216.


黃淑鴻、黃馨儀 (2014)。圖像是字母拼讀教學法於國小五年級補教教學學生在字母認讀、因素覺識及識字能力的成效研究第一屆國民小學補救教學學術研討會. 屏東: 屏東大學. 103年12月5日.

黃淑鴻、翁旻宣(2012)。探討國小英語教科書之搭配詞. 第四屆兒童英語教學研討會論文集. pp.65-80. 新竹市:新竹教育大學. 

黃淑鴻(2012)。 Write as they speak. 29屆中華明國英語文教學研究國際研討互動英語:跨文化意識與溝通. 台北:文化大學. 論文發表. 

黃淑鴻、陳秋蓉(2010)。 Adjacency pairs in English textbooks for elementary school students. 百年教科書演進國際學術演討會論文集. pp. 335-358

2003 "Gender Presentation in EFL Materials" in Proceedings of 2003 International Conference and workshop on TEFL & Applied Linguistics. pp. 164-172.

2000 "Comparison of English Writing between Public College Students and Private College Students: Pronominal errors" November 2000.  Forum. National Taipei Teachers College.

2000 "Frequency of Lexical Relation and Anaphora Relation in Expository" A paper presented at The 9th International Conference on Chinese Linguistics. June 27, 2000. Singapore.

1996 "Zero-Pronouns in Chinese Written Text." A Paper posted at the fifth International Conference on Chinese Linguistics on June 24, 1996. Hsinchu, Taiwan.

1992 "Understanding Zero Pronouns" A paper presented at International linguistics Association Conference at Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA on April 24-26, 1992.