

簡 雅臻
職稱 副教授兼雙語教學研究中心主任
姓名 簡 雅臻
聯絡電話 校內分機 55227
電子郵件 ychien@gmail.com
職稱 副教授兼雙語教學研究中心主任
研究專長 差異化教學、數位教學設計、虛擬世界語言學習、線上英語教學
授課領域 英語教學活動設計、論文寫作、英文(一)(二)、英語會話聽力、口語訓練、電腦科技與英語教學、新聞英語、兒童識字與閱讀教學、英文閱讀寫作、寫作、第二外語習得、英語教學評量、英語教學概論 、英語讀寫教學、英語演講、語言習得
相關連結 Twitter: https://twitter.com/chienjane LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chienjane/
最高學歷 美國中佛羅里達大學課程與教學系博士
Tien, N.C., Chien, Y. C., & Tsou, W. L. (2022). 雙語課程設計及教學檢核表建構之研究。雙語教育與師資培育。中華民國師範教育學會。


Chien, Y. C.(2023).  讓雙語教育擊在好球區:臺北市雙語教育推動實務 https://enews.tiec.tp.edu.tw/EduNews/Detail/377

Chien, Y. C. (2022). Revamping pre-service English reading instruction: The reading specialist training at an education university in Taiwan. In A. Y. Wang (Eds), Competency-based teacher education for English as a foreign language: theory, research, and practice. (pp. 76-92). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003212805

Chien, Y. C. (2021). Bilingual Education Curriculum Design: Inquiry-based Learning and Critical Thinking (啟發兒童探究思考的雙語教育課程設計). The Educator Bimonthly, 626, 70-77. Retrieved from http://www.ttbf.org.tw/assets/pdf/web/viewer.html?file=/assets/uploads/monthly/monthly604097583629a.pdf&paperId=539&monId=177 

Chien, Y. C. (2019). Massively multiplayer online gamers' language: The vocabulary in Minecraft gameplay.TESL-EJ, 23(3), 1-16. Retrieved from http://tesl-ej.org/pdf/ej91/int.pdf. Also available: http://www.tesl-ej.org/wordpress/issues/volume22/ej91/ej91int/

Chien, Y. C. (2019). Translanguaging in CLIL (CLIL 中的跨語言實踐). Hello E.T. 116, 3-5. http://www.cet-taiwan.com/drcet/download/116_hello_et.pdf

Chien, Y. C. (2019). CLIL Course Design Myths (CLIL課程設計的迷思).Hello E.T. 115, 3-5.  http://www.cet-taiwan.com/drcet/download/115_hello_et.pdf

Chien, Y. C. (2019). Maker's Program Enriching CLIL (跨領域 1+1>2: 臺灣 Makers+CLIL 課程). Hello E.T. 114, 3-5. https://www.cet-taiwan.com/drcet/download/114_hello_et.pdf

Chien, Y. C. (2019). Fostering Content Learning in English Through CLIL (培養學生以英語學學科的CLIL). Hello E.T. 113, 3-5. https://www.cet-taiwan.com/drcet/download/113_hello_et.pdf

Chien, Y. C. (2019). Learner-Centered Differentiated Instruction Through Small Group Instruction and Stations Learning (以學生為中心之差異化分組教學及分站學習) Hello E.T. 112, 3-5. https://www.cet-taiwan.com/DrCET/detail.asp?serno=1239

Chien, Y. C. (2019). Differentiated English Instruction: Diagnostic Assessment (英語差異化教學: 學前能力診斷). Hello E.T. 111, 3-5. https://www.cet-taiwan.com/drcet/detail.asp?serno=1225
Weng, H. T., Chien, Y.C. (2015). The Effect of Differentiated Instruction on Fifth Graders' English Learning Achievement and Learning Attitude, Elementary Education, 55(2), 60-81. 

He, T. H.*, Gou, W. J., Chien, Y. C., Chen, I. S. J., & Chang, S. M. (2013). Multi-faceted Rasch measurement and bias patterns in EFL writing performance assessment.  Psychological Reports, 112 (2), 469-485. (SSCI) 

Chang H. S. & Chien Y. C. (2011). English teacher's perceptions of the activation curriculum in New Taipei City. Elementary Education, 52(2), 13-19. 

Hsu C. Y. & Chien Y. C. (2008). In Retrospect of Taoyuan International English Village at Chung Li Elementary School. Elementary Education, 48(5), 24-30. 

Folse, K. & Chien, Y. C. (2003). Using L2 Research on Multimedia Annotations to Evaluate CALL Materials. Sunshine TESOL Journal 2(1), 33-42. 

Chien, J. (2023). Minecraft as Metaverse for Teaching and Learning. TESOL Portland. 

Ting, Y. L. & Chien, J. (2023). Minecraft Game-Based Teaching & Learning. TESOL Portland.  

Stevens, V. & 
Chien, J. (2022). Best of EVO2022: EVO Minecraft MOOC 2022. TESOL Pittsburg. CALL-IS Electronic Village https://youtu.be/hoay2O6nkbc

Chien, J. (2022).  An analysis of Minecraft in-game activities: Beyond vocabulary learning. EVOMC22 Conference. https://youtu.be/ibjnbbPYaww

Chien, J., Stevens, V. & Carroll, D. (2020). Best of EVO2020 Online: EVO Minecraft MOOC 2020.  https://youtu.be/gYIlkYvDryM

Chien, Y. C. (2020). Planning for the Success of Learners in CLIL. Workshop. National Taipei University of Education. https://tinyurl.com/u3e9adf

Chien, Y. C. (2019). Freshmen English Connecting Globally. Invited Speech. The University of Taipei. https://tinyurl.com/t5gndgo

Chien, Y. C. (2019). Reading Curriculum for Pre-Service Teacher Program. The National Taichung University of Education. https://tinyurl.com/snk6wop

Chien, Y. C. & Carroll, D. (2019). Language Learning in the Virtual World. JaltCALL 2019, Tokyo, Japan. 

Chien, Y. C. & Stevens, V. (2019). Best of EVO2019: EVO Minecraft MOOC 2019. TESOL 2019 International Convention and English Language Expo, Atlanta, US. 

Chien, Y. C. (2018). Fostering Creativity in English Langauge Learning. Sunshine State Tesol Conference 2018, Orlando, Florida.  https://tinyurl.com/s4aslkf

Stevens, V. & Chien, Y. C. (2018). Best of EVO2018: Four Years of EVO Minecraft MOOC. TESOL 2018 International Convention and English Language Expo, Chicago, US. Blogpost Archive by Vance Stevens: https://learning2gether.net/2018/03/28/tesol-2018-chicago-preparing-teachers-to-engage-learners-with-evo-minecraft-mooc/  Smore: https://www.smore.com/f2z9g

Chien Y. C. (2016). Differentiated Instruction for English Learners: An Action Research. Paper Presented at The 33rd International Conference on English Teaching and Learning. The National Changhua University of Education. 

Chien Y. C. (2014). Synchronous online teaching pedagogy for young learners. Paper Presented at Taiwan E-Learning Forum (TWELF). National Taiwan Normal University.

Chien Y. C. (2014). Teachers’ Perspectives on Differentiated English Instruction at the Elementary School Level. Paper Presented at Wen Zou University. 尊重多元創意教學學術研討會。

Chien Y. C. & Tsou, C. C. V. (2013). Motivated but Not Necessarily Better: Learning via iPad eBook. Paper Presented at the International Conference and Workshop on TEFL & Applied Linguistics at Ming Chuan University.

Su, Y.Y. & Chien, Y.C.* (2012). Is Synchronous Online Learning for Young Language Learners? Fifteenth International CALL Conference The Medium Matters Proceedings, p. 575-578. Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan.

Wang, H. W. & Chien, Y. C. (2012). Is Data-Driven Learning of Grammar for Young Language Learners? Paper presented at the 21st International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching.

Chien Y. C. & Tsou, C. C. V. (2012). Learning English with Ipad. Paper Presented at the International Conference on Digital Content at National Tainan University.

年度 論文名稱
2016 Ya-Chen Chien, Differentiated Instruction for English Learners: An Action Research, The 33rd International Conference on English Teaching and Learning, 彰化師範大學, , 2016-05-28-2016-05-29

Professional Presentations & Workshops (2015-2021) 

Chair-Elect, Computer-Assisted Language Learning Interest Section, TESOL International Association. 2021-2024

Volunteer Coordinator, Member-at-large Steering Committee Member, Computer-Assisted Language Learning Interest Section, TESOL International Association. March 2020- March 2021

Lead-Moderator, Electronic Village Online, Scientific Literacy and CLIL. 2021

Coordinator of the TESOL Call-IS Electronic Village Online. April 2019- Present.

The Electronic Village Online is a set of online workshops that takes place every year from mid-January to mid-February. Sessions can serve as a run-up or preview to the TESOL Convention, or a discussion of an issue in the field of teaching language, or experiments with and pedagogy of new technology tools. An online session is the perfect venue to pre-discuss papers from Academic Sessions or Intersessions, or to carry on a discussion of topics important to your member group. EVO provides an invaluable service to teachers all over the globe, for it brings together also those who cannot travel. We usually have over a thousand participants, both members, and non-members of TESOL. Most sessions also offer live webinars and chats (text and audio/video), including Webcasts from the Convention, and all participants are welcome to any of these live events. EVO is a long-standing project of TESOL's CALL-IS, and we have joined forces in our coordination and moderation teams with IATEFL and national Teaching Associations to offer sessions that relate to IATEFL's special interest groups (SIGs) and the IATEFL conventions and webinars.  https://evosessions.pbworks.com

Assistant Coordinator of the TESOL Call-IS Electronic Village Online. April 2018. 

Co-Moderator, Electronic Village Online Minecraft MOOC 2018-2021. EVO Minecraft MOOC is for interested teachers to join in playing Minecraft in order to learn from each other about how Minecraft is being used for language learning.  

Invited by New Taipei City Ministry of Education to conduct in-service workshops for elementary school English teachers on differentiated instruction. (2015-2017)  
Invited Speaker, "Differentiated EFL Instruction in Elementary Schools' National Taichung University." December 17, 2016 教育部國民小學師資培用聯盟英語文領域教學研究中心 
Invited by New Taipei City Ministry of Education to conduct workshops and presentations on differentiated instruction for remedial education for in-service K-6 teachers. Oct.-Nov. 2016 新北市 105 年度補救教學種子教師培訓工作坊於北新國小  
Invited by New Taipei City Ministry of Education to serve on the curriculum advisory committee for bilingual experimental programs (2016). Assist in developing Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) based EFL curriculum.  
Invited Speaker, "Comprehensive Assessment Test for 5th grade English: Pedagogical Implications" at Dongxin Elementary School, HsinChu County; invited by National Academy for Educational Research for elementary school principals and teachers, Sep. 23, 2016  
Invited Speaker, "Comprehensive Assessment Test for 5th grade English: Pedagogical Implications." NanShing Elementary School, Chang-Hua County; invited by National Academy for Educational Research for elementary school principals and teachers, Sep. 21, 2016   

Invited Speaker, "Implementing Differentiated EFL Instruction in Elementary Schools in Taiwan" given at Kagoshima University Affiliated Elementary School, Kagoshima, Japan. February 15, 2016 
Invited Speaker,  "Differentiated Instruction at Elementary Schools” in-service workshop for faculties at Ruifang Elementary School. May 16, 2016 
Invited Speaker,  "Differentiated Instruction at Elementary Schools” an in-service workshop for 100 English teachers sponsored by Han-Lin Publishing Co. at Luzhou Elementary School. March 9, 2016 

Invited Speaker,  "Differentiated English Listening and Speaking Activities for Children" an in-service workshop for 100 English teachers hosted by the New Taipei City English Teaching Resource Center at Chang Ping Elementary School, December 12, 2015